買了一個 Pioneer VSX-D606S,這台擴大機有附遙控器,還有學習功能,就是沒有說明書。
上網找了一下,測試上還可以用(就是 TV Power 的按鈕,怎麼學習,都只能達到關或是開的功能,不能開、關兩個功能都有)
- 同時按下 "COMMANDER SETUP" 和 "1" 的按鍵
(進入學習模式。此時按鈕會閃爍) - 按下要學習的模式(Multi Control 的按鈕)
(例如:DVD、LD/SAT) - 按下要學習的按鈕(此時 Multi Control 的按鈕會恆亮)
- 把要學習的遙控器對準擴大機遙控器,按下要學習的遙控器按鈕
- 學習完成的話,擴大機遙控器的 Multi Control 按鈕會閃爍
如果要學習其他按鍵,從第三步驟重複操作 - 按下 "COMMANDER SETUP" 離開學習模式
- To enter Learning Mode press 'Commander Setup' + '1' at the same time.
(the buttons will flash) - Press the Multi Control Button you want to set up. (i.e. LD/SAT, CD, VCR)
- Press the Button on the 'Commander' that you want to memorize the operation in.
- With the Remotes facing and about 2 - 8" apart, press the button on the other remote that you want the 'Commander' to learn.
- When the botton on the 'Commander' flashes, Learning is complete.
(If you want to do another button - return to step 3 - When you are finished, press 'Commander Setup' to exit.
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