Pioneer CU-VSX116 遙控器

買了一個 Pioneer VSX-D606S,這台擴大機有附遙控器,還有學習功能,就是沒有說明書。
上網找了一下,測試上還可以用(就是 TV Power 的按鈕,怎麼學習,都只能達到關或是開的功能,不能開、關兩個功能都有)

  1. 同時按下 "COMMANDER SETUP" 和 "1" 的按鍵
  2. 按下要學習的模式(Multi Control 的按鈕)
  3. 按下要學習的按鈕(此時 Multi Control 的按鈕會恆亮)
  4. 把要學習的遙控器對準擴大機遙控器,按下要學習的遙控器按鈕
  5. 學習完成的話,擴大機遙控器的 Multi Control 按鈕會閃爍
  6. 按下 "COMMANDER SETUP" 離開學習模式


  1. To enter Learning Mode press 'Commander Setup' + '1' at the same time.
    (the buttons will flash)
  2. Press the Multi Control Button you want to set up. (i.e. LD/SAT, CD, VCR)
  3. Press the Button on the 'Commander' that you want to memorize the operation in.
  4. With the Remotes facing and about 2 - 8" apart, press the button on the other remote that you want the 'Commander' to learn.
  5. When the botton on the 'Commander' flashes, Learning is complete.
    (If you want to do another button - return to step 3
  6. When you are finished, press 'Commander Setup' to exit.
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